Julian principally helps clients with building projects that have gone wrong and where the parties are unable to resolve the differences themselves. As a solicitor, mediator and adjudicator his focus is on reaching a solution at the earliest possible stage. Below are some examples of areas where Julian can assist.
Extensions of time and loss and expense claims.
Delays happen in building projects. Who is responsible? This is often the knottiest question. Julian’s in-depth knowledge of the law and evidence required to establish or refute an entitlement to time extensions, as well as what is required to prove a causal link between delay and financial loss, frequently puts Julian’s clients on the winning side.
Payment and “pay less” notices.
There are many pitfalls in the form and timing of these. Get it wrong and you may end up making a significant overpayment which cannot be rectified until the next [monthly] valuation. Best therefore to get help at the outset.
Defective design and works.
The roof leaks, the lights in the designer kitchen keep blowing and the bespoke wooden floor is lifting. Whose fault is it-the design team, the contractor or both? Will my insurance cover this or any of the damage caused? Julian frequently works with the appropriate experts to resolve these issues and ensure the right level of compensation.
Insolvency and related issues.
Julian is not an Insolvency Practitioner. However, he has experience of advising on the effects of insolvency on building contracts-such as the ownership of materials and the obligation to pay outstanding invoices. He has also assisted liquidators and other interested parties in the insolvent company to make good on outstanding claims.
Determination issues.
Relationships on a project can go sour. The builder makes too many mistakes, the client never pays on time, the design team is too slow producing drawings. What to do-stick with it or sever the tie? Ending the relationship incorrectly can be an expensive mistake. Julian can guide clients through the pitfalls.
Running and defending adjudications.
When all other avenues have failed, there is usually no alternative but to make or defend a formal claim. Julian provides a complete service from start to finish-including advising on the evidence required and making the formal submissions. Julian also sits as an adjudicator and so has an adjudicator’s view of where claims fail or succeed.
Need assistance resolving a dispute?
All enquiries welcome.